Table of Contents
Scroll to book sections discussing these chapters in the Book of Revelation
I. Introduction to the Book of Revelation
A. [§1] The Apostle John and His Authorship of the Book of Revelation
B. [§2] Authenticity and Canonization of the Book of Revelation
C. [§3] The Place and Date of John’s Prophecy in the Book of Revelation
D. [§4] The “Apocalyptic” Book of Revelation Made Plain
E. [§5] The Book of Revelation Structure and Numerology
Revelation 1
II. Revelation 1: The Prologue
A. [§6] Rev 1:1-3: John Announces the Revelation of Jesus Christ
B. [§7] Rev 1:4-6: John’s Salutation to the Seven Churches
C. [§8] Rev 1:7-8: Introduction to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
D. [§9] Rev 1:9-11: John’s Charge to Write to the Seven Churches
E. John’s Vision of the Glorified Christ
1. [§10] Rev 1:12-15: Christ in the Midst of Seven Candlesticks
2. [§11] Rev 1:16-18: Christ Holds the Seven Stars in His Hand
F. [§12] Rev 1:19-20: John’s Final Charge to Write the Vision
Revelation 2 & 3
III. Revelation 2 and 3: Letters to the Seven Churches in Asia
A. [§13] Overview of Jesus Christ’s Message to the Seven Churches
B. John’s Letter to the Church in Ephesus
1. [§14] Rev 2:1-3: Commendations to the Ephesian Saints
2. [§15] Rev 2:4-5: A Call to Repent for Leaving Thy First Love
3. [§16] Rev 2:6: Christ Hates the Deeds of the Nicolaitans
4. [§17] Rev 2:7: Those That Overcome Eat from the Tree of Life
C. John’s Letter to the Church in Smyrna
1. [§18] Rev 2:8-10: The Saints Will Suffer Severe Tribulations
2. [§19] Rev 2:11: Saints Won’t Be Hurt by the Second Death
D. John’s Letter to the Church in Pergamos [Pergamum]
1. [§20] Rev 2:12-13: Commendations to the Pergamos Saints
2. [§21] Rev 2:14-16: A Call to Repent for Idol Worship
3. Rev 2:17: Exaltation Comes to Those That Overcome
a. [§22] The Hidden Manna Represents Eternal Life
b. [§23] The White Stone Is a Urim and Thummim
c. [§24] The New Name Is a Key Word
E. John’s Letter to the Church in Thyatira
1. [§25] Rev 2:18-19: Commendations to the Saints in Thyatira
2. [§26] Rev 2:20-23: “Jezebel” and Great Tribulation
3. [§27] Rev 2:24-25: The Burden of the Faithful Is to Hold Fast
4. [§28] Rev 2:26-29: The Saints Will Receive the Morning Star
F. John’s Letter to the Church in Sardis
1. [§29] Rev 3:1-3: The Saints Are Alive, But Spiritually Dead
2. [§30] Rev 3:4-6: Undefiled Saints Shall Walk in White
G. John’s Letter to the Church in Philadelphia
1. [§31] Rev 3:7-8: Christ Holds the Key of David
2. [§32] Rev 3:9-10: The Patient Are Promised Eternal Life
3. [§33] Rev 3:11-13: Pillars in the Heavenly Temple of God
H. John’s Letter to the Church in Laodicea
1. [§34] Rev 3:14-16: The Lukewarm Laodiceans
2. [§35] Rev 3:17-18: Counsel to the Wretched and Miserable
3. [§36] Rev 3:19-20: Christ Stands at the Door
4. [§37] Rev 3:21-22: Those That Overcome Will Be as God Is
Revelation 4
IV. Revelation 4: Vision of God the Creator Enthroned in Heaven [Paradise]
A. [§38] Rev 4:1-11: Overview of John’s Vision of “Heaven” [Paradise]
B. [§39] Rev 4:1: A Door in Heaven Is Opened to Reveal Things Hereafter
C. [§40] Rev 4:2-3: John’s Vision of the Throne of God in Heaven
D. Things Around and in the Midst of the Throne of God in Heaven
1. [§41] Rev 4:4: 24 Elders Sit on Thrones in Paradise
2. [§42] Rev 4:5: God’s Throne of Judgment and the Seven Lamps
3. [§43] Rev 4:6: The Sea of Glass Reflects Conditions in Paradise
4. [§44] Rev 4:6-8: The Four Beasts Represent All Creation in Paradise
E. [§45] Rev 4:8-10: The Beasts and 24 Elders Worship the Creator
F. [§46] Rev 4:11: God the Father Glorified As the Creator of all Things
Revelation 5
V. Revelation 5: Vision of Christ the Lamb, the Redeemer in Heaven [Paradise]
A. [§47] Rev 5:1-4: The Book with Seven Seals
B. [§48] Rev 5:5-7: The Lamb Prevailed to Open the Book and Loose the Seals
C. All Creation Praises the Lamb for His Power to Redeem Them
1. [§49] Rev 5:8-10: Saints Worthy of Exaltation Praise the Lamb
2. [§50] Rev 5:11-14: Those in All Kingdoms of Glory Praise the Lamb
Revelation 6
VI. Revelation 6: The Lamb Opens the First Six Seals of the Book
A. [§51] Overview of the Seven Seals
B. The First Four Historical Seals Are Opened
1. [§52] Rev 6:1-2: Enoch’s Conquests in the First Seal [4000-3000 BC]
2. [§53] Rev 6:3-4: Noah’s Flood in the Second Seal [3000-2000 BC]
3. [§54] Rev 6:5-6: Famines in the Third Seal [2000-1000 BC]
4. [§55] Rev 6:7-8: Sickness and Death in the Fourth Seal [1000 BC-1 AD]
C. The Fifth Seal Is Opened [1-1000 AD]
1. [§56] Rev 6:9-10: Martyrdom During the Fifth Seal
2. [§57] Rev 6:11: The “Great Apostasy” During the Fifth Seal
D. The Sixth Seal Is Opened [1000-2000+ AD]
1. [§58] Overview of John’s Vision of the Sixth Thousand Years
2. [§59] The Seven “Signs of the Times” of the Sixth Seal
3. [§60] The Voice of Warning from Worldwide Calamities
a. [§61] Rev 6:12, 14: A Great Earthquake Ends the Sixth Seal
b. [§62] Rev 6:12-13: Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars
c. [§63] Rev 6:14: Heaven Departs [Opens] as a Scroll
4. [§64] Rev 6:15-16: Seven Wicked Classes of Men Hide in Fear
5. [§65] Rev 6:17: Who Shall Be Able to Stand?
Revelation 7
VII. Revelation 7: The Restoration of the Gospel and Temple Work in the Sixth Seal
A. The Restoration of the Gospel in the Sixth Seal
1. [§66] Rev 7:1: The Four Angels of the Restoration
2. [§67] The Four Angels Commit the Keys of the Kingdom
3. [§68] Preaching the Gospel in All Nations
B. Elias Delays the Worldwide Calamities at the End of the Sixth Seal
1. [§69] Rev 7:1: The Four Destroying Angels of the Sixth Seal
2. [§70] Rev 7:2: An Angel from the East [Elias] Has the Seal of God
3. [§71] Rev 7:2-3: The Two Parts of the “Seal of the Living God”
a. Part 1: The Temple Sealing Ordinance
(1) [§72] The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage
(2) [§73] The Ancient History of the Sealing Ordinance
b. Part 2: Calling and Election Made Sure
(1) [§74] The Calling and Election of Saints Made Sure
(2) [§75] The Calling and Election of Those Living
(3) [§76] The Calling and Election of the Dead
4. [§77] Rev 7:2-3: The Angel from the East Says “Hurt Not the Earth”
C. Temple Work During the Sixth Seal
1. [§78] Elijah Restores the “Sealing Power” in the Sixth Seal
2. [§79] The Urgency of Temple Work in the Sixth Seal
a. [§80] The Laws of Earthly Ordinances and Resurrection
b. [§81] The Status of Spirits Awaiting the Resurrection
(1) [§82] The Status of Spirits in Paradise
(2) [§83] The Status of Spirits in Spirit Prison [Hell]
c. [§84] Bridging the “Great Gulf” Between Prison and Paradise
d. [§85] Wasting of the Earth Without the Sealing Power
3. Many of the 144,000 Servants Sealed by the End of the Sixth Seal
a. [§86] Rev 7:4-8: 144,000 Are Sealed from the Tribes of Israel
b. [§87] Limited Sealings of the 144,000 Began in the Fifth Seal
c. The Purpose of Sealing the 144,000 by the End of the Sixth Seal
(1) [§88] The 144,000 Prepare to Rule as Kings and Priests
(2) [§89] The 144,000 Become Saviors on Mount Zion
D. John’s Second Vision of Heaven [Paradise] at the End of the Sixth Seal
1. [§90] Rev 7:9: Second Vision of Paradise and the Great Multitude
2. [§91] The Feast of Tabernacles Foreshadows the Sixth Seal Paradise
3. [§92] Rev 7:10-12: The Multitude and Angels Worship in Paradise
4. [§93] Rev 7:13-14: One of the 24 Elders Explains the Great Multitude
5. [§94] Rev 7:15-17: The Blessed State of the Great Multitude
Revelation 8
VIII. Revelation 8: The Seventh Seal Opens and Four Angels Sound
A. [§95] Overview of the Seventh Seal [1000-Year Millennium]
B. [§96] Rev 8:1: Silence in Heaven About the Space of Half an Hour
C. [§97] Rev 8:2: Seven Angels in Heaven Are Given Seven Trumpets
D. [§98] Rev 8:3-4: A Day of Atonement in the Heavenly Temple
E. [§99] Rev 8:5-6: Christ Begins to Pour Out Judgments upon the Earth
F. Overview of the Seven Judgments of the Seventh Seal
1. [§100] Seven Judgments [Plagues] Lead to the Second Coming
2. [§101] Fire and Burning Will Accompany the Seven Plagues
3. [§102] Images of Blood During the Seven Plagues
G. [§103] The First Group of Four Plagues in the Seventh Seal
1. [§104] Rev 8:7: The First Angel’s Plague upon the Land
2. [§105] Rev 8:8-9: The Second Angel’s Plague upon the Sea
3. [§106] Rev 8:10-11: The Third Angel’s Plague upon Fresh Water
4. [§107] Rev 8:12: The Fourth Angel’s Plague Brings Total Darkness
H. [§108] Rev 8:13: An Angel Warns About Three Remaining Plagues [Woes]
Revelation 9
IX. Revelation 9: The First Woe and Start of the Second Woe
A. The First Woe [Rev 9:1-12]: People Tormented for Five Months
1. Rev 9:1: Satan’s Fall from Heaven and Key of the Bottomless Pit
a. [§109] Rev 9:1: Satan Falls with Unembodied Sons of Perdition
b. [§110] The Disembodied Sons of Perdition in the Bottomless Pit
c. [§111] Rev 9:1: The Key of the Bottomless Pit
2. [§112] Rev 9:2-4: The Bottomless Pit Is Opened and Locusts Emerge
3. [§113] Rev 9:5-6: Locusts Torment People for Five Months
4. [§114] Rev 9:7-10: Seven Symbolic Characteristics of the Locusts
5. [§115] Rev 9:11: Satan Is King of the Locusts in the Bottomless Pit
B. [§116] Rev 9:12: The First Woe Ends When the Wicked Are Ripened in Sin
C. The Second Woe [Rev 9:13-21]: Introduction to the Battle of Armageddon
1. [§117] An Overview of the Second Woe [Physical Armageddon]
2. [§118] Rev 9:13-14: Four Angels Are Loosed from the Euphrates River
3. Armageddon Begins and Brings Death to the Third Part of Men
a. [§119] Rev 9:15: Armageddon Begins at a Set Time and Date
b. [§120] Rev 9:15: Four Angels Slay the Third Part of Men
4. [§121] Rev 9:16: The Armies of Armageddon Number 200 Million
a. [§122] Rev 9:17: The Horses and Horsemen of Armageddon
b. [§123] Rev 9:17: Breastplates of Fire, Jacinth and Brimstone
5. [§124] Rev 9:18: A Third of Men Die by Fire, Smoke and Brimstone
6. [§125] Rev 9:19: The Horses Kill and Hurt in Their Mouths and Tails
7. [§126] Rev 9:20-21: Armageddon’s Telestial Survivors Fail to Repent
Revelation 10
X. Revelation 10: Adam-ondi-Ahman and John’s “Little Book” Mission
A. [§127] Overview of Revelation 10
B. The Great Gathering of Saints at Adam-ondi-Ahman Past and Future
1. [§128] Overview of Adam-ondi-Ahman
2. The Ancient Gathering of Saints at Adam-ondi-Ahman
a. [§129] Foundations for Zion Laid at Adam-ondi-Ahman
b. [§130] Temple Ordinances Given at Adam-ondi-Ahman
3. [§131] Daniel’s Vision of the Future Gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman
a. [§132] Satan’s Earthly Dominion Until Adam-ondi-Ahman
(1) [§133] The Lion: Dominion in the Babylonian Empire
(2) [§134] The Bear: Dominion in the Medo-Persian Empire
(3) [§135] The Leopard: Dominion in the Greek Empire
(4) [§136] A Dreadful Beast: Dominion in the Roman Empire
(5) [§137] Ten Horns: Dominion in the Modern Nations
(6) [§138] The Little Horn: Satan’s Dominion since 1830 AD
b. [§139] The Date for the Gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman
c. [§140] The Ancient of Days Will Judge His Righteous Posterity
d. [§141] Christ Takes Earthly Dominion at Adam-ondi-Ahman
e. [§142] The Saints Are Given Dominion at Adam-ondi-Ahman
(1) [§143] Ecclesiastical and Political Kingdoms Merge
(2) [§144] The Land of Zion Is Redeemed in Missouri
(3) [§145] Zion Built in the Last 3½ Years of Armageddon
4. Rev 10:1-7: John’s Vision of the Gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman
a. [§146] Rev 10:1: Christ Is the Mighty Angel from Heaven
b. [§147] Rev 10:2-4: Dominions Given at Adam-ondi-Ahman
c. [§148] Rev 10:5-7: No More Delay After Adam-ondi-Ahman
C. John’s Little Book Mission to Gather and Translate the Lost Ten Tribes
1. [§149] Rev 10:8-11: The Meaning of the “Little Book”
2. [§150] Priesthood Keys for the Latter-day Gathering of Israel
3. [§151] The History and End of the Northern Kingdom [Ten Tribes]
4. [§152] The Physical and Spiritual Journey of the Lost Ten Tribes
5. The Translation of the Lost Ten Tribes
a. [§153] John and the Doctrine and Ordinance of Translation
b. [§154] Translation of Lost Tribes Mirrors the People of Enoch
6. [§155] The Translated Lost Ten Tribes in Jacob 5 and Ezekiel 37
D. [§156] John’s Little Book Mission Does Not Include the Jewish Gathering
Revelation 11
XI. Revelation 11: The End of the Second Woe and Start of the Third Woe
A. [§157] Overview of Great Tribulations and Abominations of Desolation
1. Prophecies of Armageddon and the Abomination of Desolation
a. [§158] The Second Coming Prophecies of Joel
b. [§159] The Second Coming Prophecies of Zechariah
2. [§160] The “Seventy Weeks Prophecy” [490 Years] of Daniel
a. [§161] The First Period of 7 Weeks of 49 Years
b. [§162] The Second Period of 62 Weeks of 434 Years
c. The Gap Between the 69th and 70th Weeks of Years
(1) [§163] Three Prophetic Events During the Gap
(2) [§164] The “Flood” During the Gap in Daniel 11
(3) [§165] Timeline for the Great Apostasy [Daniel 12]
d. [§166] The Third Period of 1 Week of 7 Years [Armageddon]
3. [§167] Daniel’s Vision of the Great Tribulation [Daniel 12]
B. John Measures the Third Temple and Worshipers Therein
1. [§168] Rev 11:1: John Measures the Third Temple and Its Altar
2. [§169] Rev 11:1: John Measures Them That Worship in the Temple
3. [§170] Rev 11:2: The Court Given to the Gentiles Is Not Measured
C. Two Witnesses Minister in Jerusalem During the Great Tribulation
1. [§171] Rev 11:2-3: Two Witnesses Minister 42 Months [3½ Years]
2. [§172] Rev 11:4: Two Witnesses Are Both Olive Trees and Candlesticks
3. [§173] Rev 11:5-6: The Two Witnesses Will Exercise the Sealing Power
4. [§174] Rev 11:7: The Death of the Two Witnesses at Jerusalem
5. [§175] Rev 11:8-10: The Bodies of the Two Witnesses Lie Unburied
D. The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses Fulfills the Sign of Jonas [Jonah]
1. [§176] Rev 11:11-12: The Two Witnesses Resurrect After 3½ Days
2. [§177] The Two Witnesses Fulfill the Sign of Jonas [Jonah]
E. [§178] Rev 11:13-14: The Second Woe Ends with an Earthquake in Jerusalem
F. [§179] Rev 11:15-19: John Introduces the Third Woe [Seventh Trumpet Angel]
1. [§180] Rev 11:15: Worldly Kingdoms Yield at Christ’s Second Coming
2. [§181] Rev 11:16-17: The 24 Elders Worship God [Christ]
3. [§182] Rev 11:18: Mortals and Spirits Judged During the Third Woe
4. [§183] Rev 11:19: Introduction to the Final Plagues of the Third Woe
Revelation 12
XII. Revelation 12: Flashback to the Premortal Existence and Its Likenesses on Earth
A. [§184] An Overview of Revelation 12 and the JST Changes
B. An Overview of the Premortal Existence from the Spirit Creation
1. [§185] Spirit Creations Are Multi-generational
2. [§186] The Order of Creation
3. [§187] Spirit Worlds Are Created According to the Order of Creation
4. [§188] God Created Kolob as the First Celestial Spirit World
5. [§189] Kolob Is the Spirit World Within This Earth
C. The Premortal “First Estate” After the Spirit Creation
1. [§190] The First Estate from Spirit Creation to the Grand Council
2. [§191] The Grand Council in Heaven on Kolob
3. [§192] Lucifer’s Fall on Kolob Is a Type for Adam’s Fall on Earth
D. [§193] Jehovah Was the Physical Creator in This Generation
E. Revelation 12:1-12: John’s Vision of the Premortal Existence
1. [§194] Rev 12:1: The Sign of the Woman Is the Premortal Church
2. [§195] Rev 12:2: The Woman with Child Travails Giving Birth
3. [§196] Rev 12:3: The Sign of the Red Dragon [Lucifer]
4. [§197] Rev 12:4: One-third of the Stars in Heaven Spiritually Fall
5. [§198] Rev 12:5: The Man Child Is Born to Rule All Nations
6. The Premortal Apostasy and Start of the Physical Creation
a. [§199] Rev 12:6: The Premortal Apostasy in Heaven
b. [§200] Start of Premortal Apostasy and Physical Creation
7. Rev 12:7-9: The War in Heaven and Ongoing Physical Creation
a. [§201] Rev 12:7: Apostasy Ends and War Begins in Heaven
b. The Creation of Habitable [Celestial] Earths
(1) [§202] Physical Creation During the War in Heaven
(2) [§203] Christ Ministers on All His Celestial Earths
c. [§204] Rev 12:8-9: Lucifer Prevailed Not and Was Cast Out
8. Rev 12:10-12: The War in Heaven Ends by the Blood of the Lamb
a. [§205] Rev 12:10: The War Ends and Now Is Come Salvation
b. [§206] Rev 12:10: Now Is Come Strength and the Kingdom
c. [§207] Rev 12:10: The Accuser of the Brethren Is Cast Down
d. [§208] Rev 12:11: Satan’s Defeat by the Blood of the Lamb
e. [§209] Rev 12:12: Rejoicing in Heaven at War’s End
F. Revelation 12:12-17: Satan’s War on Earth from Christ’s Death to 70 AD
1. [§210] Rev 12:12: Woe to the Earth for Satan’s Time Is Short
2. [§211] Rev 12:13: Satan Persecutes the Ancient Earthly Church
3. [§212] Rev 12:14: The Church Is Nourished in the Wilderness
4. [§213] Rev 12:15-16: Flood Water Threatens the Woman in 70 AD
5. [§214] Rev 12:17: The Dragon Makes War on the Woman’s Seed
Revelation 13
XIII. Revelation 13: Two Beasts of the Great Apostasy and Latter-day Kingdom of Satan
A. [§215] An Overview of Satan’s Kingdom [Two Beasts] in Revelation 13
B. [§216] John’s Vision of the Two Beasts Compared with Nephi’s Visions
C. The First Beast from 70 AD to the Renaissance
1. [§217] Rev 13:1: A Beast [Rome] Rises from the Sea in 70 AD
2. [§218] Rev 13:2: The First Beast Had the Power of Prior Kingdoms
3. [§219] Rev 13:3: Imperial Rome Dies and Papal Rome Lives On
D. [§220] Rev 13:4: Worship of the Dragon and the First Beast
E. The 1260 Years of Great Apostasy from 570 AD to the Restoration
1. [§221] Rev 13:5: Satan Has a Mouth [Power] Given Him 42 Months
2. Blasphemies, Warfare and Worship During the Great Apostasy
a. [§222] Rev 13:6: The Three Blasphemies of Satan
b. [§223] Rev 13:7: Satan’s Wars Overcome the Saints
c. [§224] Rev 13:8: All That Dwell on Earth Worship Satan
F. [§225] Rev 13:9-10: The Saints of the Renaissance and Reformation
G. Revelation 13:11-18: The Latter-day Second Beast After the Restoration
1. [§226] Rev 13:11: The Two-Horned Lamb That Speaks as a Dragon
2. [§227] Rev 13:12-13: The Power and Miracles of the Second Beast
3. [§228] Rev 13:14-15: The Wicked Make an Image to the First Beast
4. [§229] Rev 13:16: The Wicked Receive the Mark of the Beast
5. [§230] Rev 13:17: No One Can Buy or Sell Without the Beast’s Mark
6. [§231] Rev 13:18: The Number of the Second Beast Is 666
Revelation 14
XIV. Revelation 14: God’s Kingdom Prevails as the Second Woe Comes to an End
A. [§232] Overview of the 144,000 on Mount Zion, Great Tribulation and Harvest
B. Revelation 14:1-5: The 144,000 on Mount Zion with the Seal of God
1. [§233] Rev 14:1: The Lamb Stands on Mount Zion with 144,000
a. [§234] The 144,000 Are Kings, Priests and Saviors on Mt. Zion
b. [§235] The 144,000 and Millennial Church of the Firstborn
2. [§236] Rev 14:2: The Heavens Rejoice Before the Second Coming
3. [§237] Rev 14:3: The New Song of the 144,000 Before the Throne
4. [§238] Rev 14:4-5: The 144,000 Are Redeemed as the First Fruits
C. [§239] Rev 14:6-11: The Sayings of Three Angels Before the Second Coming
1. [§240] Rev 14:6-7: The First Angel Proclaims the Everlasting Gospel
2. [§241] Rev 14:8: The Second Angel Proclaims the Fall of Babylon
3. [§242] Rev 14:9-11: The Third Angel Proclaims the Wrath of God
D. [§243] Rev 14:12: Saints of Zion Survive the Great Tribulation
E. [§244] Rev 14:13: Saints That Die in the Lord Will Rest, and Labor as Spirits
F. [§245] Rev 14:14-20: The Four Angels of the Harvest at Christ’s Coming
1. [§246] Rev 14:14: A First Angel Stands Ready to Reap the Righteous
2. [§247] Rev 14:15-16: A Second Angel Cries to Reap the Righteous
3. [§248] Rev 14:17: A Third Angel Stands Ready to Reap the Wicked
4. [§249] Rev 14:18: A Fourth Angel Cries to Reap the Wicked
5. [§250] Rev 14:19-20: Wicked Grapes Are Trodden in the Winepress
6. [§251] The Time of the Harvest at the End of Physical Armageddon
Revelation 15
XV. Revelation 15: Introduction to the Third Woe of the Seventh Seal
A. [§252] The Third Woe Begins When All Things Are in Commotion
B. [§253] Rev 15:1: The Grand Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven
C. [§254] Rev 15:1: Seven Angels and Seven Plagues of the Third Woe
D. Rev 15:2-4: Vision of Redeemed Saints as the Third Woe Begins
1. [§255] Rev 15:2: The Redeemed Saints Stand on a Sea of Glass
2. [§256] Rev 15:3-4: 144,000 Sing the Songs of Moses and the Lamb
E. [§257] Rev 15:5-8: God the Father Prepares for the Third Woe to Begin
Revelation 16
XVI. Revelation 16: The Seven Last Vial Plagues of the Third Woe, Seventh Seal
A. [§258] An Overview of the Last Seven Vial Plagues in Revelation 16
B. [§259] Rev 16:1: The Father Directs the Seven Angels to “Go Your Ways”
C. Rev 16:2-9: The First Four Vial Plagues of the Third Woe on the Wicked
1. [§260] Rev 16:2: First Vial: A Noisome and Grievous Sore on Land
2. [§261] Rev 16:3-4: Second and Third Vials: Death in the Waters
3. [§262] Rev 16:5-7: Justice Declared by the Angels of Water and Fire
4. [§263] Rev 16:8-9: Fourth Vial: Wicked People Scorched with Fire
D. [§264] Rev 16:10-16: The Fifth and Sixth Vials Are Directed at Evil Spirits
1. [§265] Rev 16:10-11: Fifth Vial: Darkness Fills Satan’s Kingdom
2. Rev 16:12-16: Sixth Vial: The Spiritual Battle of Armageddon
a. [§266] Rev 16:12: The Kings of the East Prepare for Battle
b. [§267] Rev 16:13: Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs
(1) [§268] Spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet
(2) [§269] The Spirit of Cain Is the Head of the Beast
(3) [§270] The Spirit of Judas Iscariot Is the False Prophet
c. [§271] Rev 16:14: Spirits of Devils Gather for Battle of Great God
3. [§272] Rev 16:15: Christ Will Come Suddenly as a Thief
4. [§273] Rev 16:16: Spirits Literally Gather to Armageddon for Battle
E. [§274] Rev 16:17-21: Seventh Vial: The Second Coming and Final Plagues
1. [§275] Rev 16:17: The Father’s Voice Declares, “It Is Done”
2. [§276] Rev 16:18: The Third and Greatest Earthquake in History
3. [§277] Rev 16:19: Jerusalem Divides and Cities of Nations Fall
4. [§278] Rev 16:20: The Continents Reunite into One Landmass
5. [§279] Rev 16:21: An Exceedingly Great Hail Falls on Men
Revelation 17
XVII. Revelation 17: The Great Whore and Beast from Ancient Rome and Beyond
A. [§280] Rev 17:1-2: Overview of the Great Whore [False Religion]
B. Revelation 17:3-6: Rome Supports a Woman Who Becomes the Great Whore
1. [§281] Rev 17:3: A Woman Sits on a Scarlet Beast [Roman Empire]
2. [§282] Rev 17:4: The Woman Matures into the Great Whore
3. [§283] Rev 17:5: The Name of the Great Whore Is Babylon the Great
4. [§284] Rev 17:6: The Great Whore Is Drunk with the Blood of Saints
C. [§285] Rev 17:7: The Mystery of the Woman and the Beast to Be Explained
D. The Angel Explains the Past, Present, and Future of the Beast
1. [§286] Rev 17:8: The Beast That Was, and Is Not, and Yet Is
2. [§287] Rev 17:9: The Seven Heads and Mountains of Ancient Rome
3. [§288] Rev 17:10: Seven Earthly Kings Before the Second Coming
4. [§289] Rev 17:11: Satan’s Eighth Kingdom After the Millennium
E. [§290] Rev 17:12-13: The Beast Empowers Ten Kings [Modern Nations]
F. [§291] Rev 17:14: The Latter-day War of the Kings/Beast with the Lamb
G. [§292] Rev 17:15: The Latter-day Whore Sits upon Many Waters
H. [§293] Rev 17:16-17: Ten Horns Shall Hate and Burn the Great Whore
I. [§294] Rev 17:18: The Great Whore Reigns over Modern Babylon
Revelation 18
XVIII. Revelation 18: Judgments on the Great Whore and Second Beast
A. [§295] Rev 18:1-3: The Spiritual Fall of the Great Whore [Modern Babylon]
B. [§296] Rev 18:4-5: The Saints Are Commanded to Flee Modern Babylon
C. [§297] Rev 18:6-7: Modern Babylon Rewarded Double for Her Works
D. [§298] Rev 18:8: Seventh Vial Plague Will Destroy Babylon in One Day
E. [§299] Rev 18:9-19: Babylon Begins to Burn and Three Groups Mourn
1. [§300] Rev 18:9-10: Kings of the Earth Bewail Babylon’s Burning
2. [§301] Rev 18:11-16: Merchants of the Earth Shall Weep and Mourn
3. [§302] Rev 18:17-19: Four Groups of Mariners Shall Cry and Weep
F. [§303] Rev 18:20: The Heavenly Host Will Rejoice at Babylon’s Burning
G. [§304] Rev 18:21-24: The Final Destruction of, and Conditions in, Babylon
Revelation 19
XIX. Revelation 19: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb After Babylon’s Destruction
A. Rev 19:1-6: The Heavenly Hosts Praise Jesus Christ and God the Father
1. [§305] Rev 19:1-3: A Great Voice of Much People Praise Jesus Christ
2. [§306] Rev 19:4: The 24 Elders and Four Beasts Worship Jesus Christ
3. [§307] Rev 19:5-6: All in Heaven Worship the Son and the Father
B. [§308] Rev 19:7-8: Marriage of the Lamb and His Wife [the Church]
C. [§309] Rev 19:9: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
1. [§310] The Marriage Supper at New Jerusalem [Zion]
2. [§311] Celestial-Worthy People Attend the Marriage Supper
3. [§312] The Lost Ten Tribes Attend the Marriage Supper as a Bride
D. [§313] Rev 19:10: The Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy
E. [§314] Rev 19:11-21: Christ’s Second Coming at the End of Armageddon
1. Christ’s Victory in the Physical Battle of Armageddon at Jerusalem
a. [§315] Rev 19:11-13: Christ’s Coming Will End Armageddon
b. [§316] Rev 19:14: Heavenly Armies [Bride] Come with Christ
c. [§317] Rev 19:15-16: Christ Conquers the Gathered Nations
d. [§318] Rev 19:17-18: Scavengers Eat the Supper of the Great God
2. [§319] Rev 19:19-20: Victory in the Spiritual Battle of Armageddon
a. [§320] Rev 19:19: The Beast, the Kings and Their Armies
b. [§321] Rev 19:20: Defeat of the Beast and False Prophet
3. [§322] Rev 19:21: The Worldwide End of Physical Armageddon
Revelation 20
XX. Revelation 20: Satan Is Bound, the Millennium, Resurrection, and Final Judgment
A. [§323] Rev 20:1-3: Satan Is Bound in the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 Years
B. The Thousand Year Millennium After the Second Coming
1. [§324] The Doctrine and Overview of the Millennium
2. [§325] Life and Death During the Millennium
3. [§326] Temple Work During the Millennium
C. [§327] Rev 20:4-6: John’s Vision of the First Resurrection
1. [§328] Rev 20:4: Exalted Saints Reign with Christ in the Millennium
2. [§329] Rev 20:5-6: The Rest of the Dead in the First Resurrection
D. The Order of the First Resurrection of the Just
1. [§330] Obedience Governs the Order of Resurrection for All Things
2. [§331] Earthly Ordinances Required Before the Celestial Resurrection
3. [§332] Overview of the First Resurrection and the Last Resurrection
4. The Stages of Celestial Resurrection Within the First Resurrection
a. [§333] Morning of the First Resurrection for Exalted Saints
b. [§334] The Celestial Resurrection After the Second Coming
c. [§335] The Celestial Resurrection Continues for 1000 Years
d. [§336] The End of the Celestial Resurrection
5. [§337] The Terrestrial Resurrection at the End of the Millennium
E. Rev 20:7-9: The Little Season After the Resurrection of the Just
1. [§338] The Length of the “Little Season” Is Limited to 100 Years
2. [§339] Rev 20:7: Satan Will Be Loosed During the Little Season
3. [§340] Rev 20:8: Satan Gathers Gog and Magog for a Final Battle
4. [§341] Rev 20:9: The Final Battle of the Great God [Gog and Magog]
F. Ezekiel’s Visions of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 and 39
1. [§342] The Two Battles of Gog and Magog Distinguished
2. [§343] The Post-Millennial Battle of the Great God in Ezekiel 38
G. [§344] The Telestial Resurrection of the Unjust
H. [§345] Rev 20:10: Satan Is Cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone
I. [§346] The Resurrection of Mortal Sons of Perdition
J. [§347] Rev 20:11: The Earth and Heaven Fled [Pass Away]
K. The Final Judgment and Punishment for All Sons of Perdition
1. [§348] Rev 20:12: Sons of Perdition from Mortality Are Judged
2. [§349] Rev 20:13-15: All Sons of Perdition Suffer the Second Death
L. [§350] The Resurrection of All Other Things After the Final Judgment
Revelation 21
XXI. Revelation 21: The New Heaven and New Celestial Earth
A. [§351] Rev 21:1: Resurrected Heaven and Earth Are the Celestial Kingdom
B. [§352] Rev 21:2: The New Jerusalem Descends as a Celestial City
C. [§353] Rev 21:3-4: God and Christ Dwell with Celestial Saints in Glory
D. [§354] Rev 21:5-7: Christ Promises Exaltation to the Righteous Saints
E. [§355] Rev 21:8: Eight Types of People Suffer Spiritual Death
F. [§356] Rev 21:9-11: The Holy [Old] Jerusalem, Bride and Wife of the Lamb
G. Rev 21:12-21: John’s Symbolic Description of the Celestial City [Earth]
1. [§357] Rev 21:12-14: The Walls, Gates, and Foundations of the City
2. [§358] Rev 21:15-17: The Layout and Dimensions of the City
3. [§359] Rev 21:18-21: The Material Composition of the City
H. The Presence of the Father and the Son in the Celestial City [Earth]
1. [§360] Rev 21:22: There Is No Physical Temple in the Celestial City
2. [§361] The Presence of the Father and the Son in the Celestial City
I. Rev 21:23-26: The Glory of the Celestial City [Earth]
1. [§362] Rev 21:23: The Glory of God and Christ Lighten the City
2. [§363] Rev 21:24-26: Kings and Nations Bring Their Glory to the City
J. [§364] Rev 21:27: Those Named in the Book of Life Enter the Celestial City
Revelation 22
XXII. Revelation 22: Blessings in the Celestial Kingdom and Epilogue to the Revelation
A. [§365] Overview of Revelation 22, the Epilogue and John’s Benediction
B. Rev 22:1-5: Comparative Images of Eden’s Paradise and the Celestial Earth
1. [§366] Rev 22:1-2: The Celestial River of Life and the Tree of Life
2. [§367] Rev 22:3-4: There Is No More Curse, and Servants Serve God
3. [§368] Rev 22:5: God’s Light Given to Those That Reign Forever
C. Revelation 22:6-19: The Epilogue for the Book of Revelation
1. [§369] Rev 22:6: The Truth of John’s Prophecy Is Confirmed
2. [§370] Rev 22:7: Christ Will Come Quickly to Bless the Obedient
3. [§371] Rev 22:8-9: John Falls Down to Worship His Angelic Guide
4. [§372] Rev 22:10-11: Seal Not the Sayings for the Time Is at Hand
5. [§373] Rev 22:12-13: Christ Will Come Quickly with His Reward
6. [§374] Rev 22:14-15: Blessed Are They That Enter the Celestial City
7. [§375] Rev 22:16: Christ Is the Root of David and the Morning Star
8. [§376] Rev 22:17: Invitations to Come unto Christ and Drink Freely
9. [§377] Rev 22:18-19: No One Shall Add or Take from John’s Words
D. [§378] Rev 22:20-21: A Final Prayer to Christ and John’s Benediction